Friday, June 24, 2011

Pardon the Haitus

I had a lot of things going on all at once-graduation, graduation parties, much needed reconnecting, and then not-so-much-needed disconnecting from the internet due to really poor signals from the internet comes from. Yeah. I'm not a true blue computer nerd, my apologies.
So. Good stuff to come.Intellectual, Theological, Philosophical, Ethical-issue stuff.
In the mean time I'll be in my room watching every episode of red vs blue ever.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

To mi familia

You guys. I don't know what I'm going to do next year when I don't know anyone. Seriously.
I know you, you know me, and none of us care if we make absolute and total fools of ourselves all day, erryday.
I have flashed people at a party because I literally forgot I was wearing a dress.
I say random things at lunch and it's normal.
I look like I am having a seizure when I laugh.
I make goose noises, meow, and frequently say "AH'M A BANANA" unprompted.
I whip my hair back n forth.
I've had the easiest time forming such strong friendships with you. I've never felt more comfortable with a group of people before. You've always treated me with the utmost respect, the utmost kindness.  You've helped me figure out a little more about who I am, and have allowed me to be comfortable with myself, in spirit, in mind, in body, and in large groups of people, for the first time in a truly long...long time.  I don't care about what people think of me anymore. I mean I care, I just don't care if they see me being my hyper, totally crazy, totally ridiculous, emotional, and clumsy self. I don't. I hope and pray that this carries over into college, and I can find and meet equally wonderful people, but you will always have been the first. and that first week, when I don't know anyone and no one knows anyone, it's going to be scary. I'm not going to have you with me in person to back me up when I trip on my own foot, start laughing hysterically, and scare everyone else within a 25 foot radius. I need to make new friends and learn to adapt, and be comfortable again with a new group of people.
People always say "Oh yeah! We'll hang out over the summers and skype a ton." but how often does that happen? In order to pay for college or get experience abroad, I may not be here every break, especially after next summer, which might be my last here. and skype, however useful....well. People get distracted by homework. Movie party in dorm 2B. Sleep. Thompson Hall coffee house. Concerts.
I'm terrified and excited and sobbing at the same time. I love you, always have, always will. I doubt we'll stay as close as we are now, but do not doubt that I will try my hardest to stay in touch and retain at least a threadlike bond to each of you. That would be very reassuring for the future. I know, if I'm feeling homesick or unsure of myself, I can talk to any and all of you, anytime. Please know I'd do the same for you.  I would and gladly will.
You are my world, my little family. I love you dearly. It has been an honor and a pleasure.
Even if we're apart, in my dreams we're watching the dawn together, hands joined en espirit, in spirit.
It's a new beginning.