Friday, July 22, 2011

Moi, je joue

La semaine prochain, je ne serai pas ici. I will be on a week long vacation next week in Harvey cedars, New Jersey!

This is my first step in traveling and well, cliche as it sounds, independence.
I've never stayed overnight somewhere without my parents for over 2 days. This is a 6 day beach retreat. While many other girls my age have been farther away from home for longer amounts of time, I haven't. I LOVE exploring new places and am a future travel junkie. My walls are blanketed in photographs of different places, maps, scenery, locations from around the world. My family almost never travels beyond day trips, and that I'm out of high school, I'm seizing the opportunity. Study abroad this winter is next on the agenda, but until then...I'm just going to enjoy the beach and get as much as an 18 year old girl can get out of a Christian youth retreat at the beach.
(that sounds hilarious if you interpret it sarcastically and with full stereotypes of Christianity, though I'm being sincere when I say it)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Mid Summer

In the meantime, appreciate your friends. Don't waste time complaining, spend it loving.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Pan-a-cea, noun: a remedy for all ills or difficulties

Well, at least for me.

From PostSecret: "God isn't the one who is lost; we all are. God is where He always is... we need to stop trying to "find God" and instead rid ourselves of the things that we use to hide from God." 

From Wikipedia (Let me know if there are discrepancies or falsities here, for the most part though I like Wikipedia): "Theism, in the broadest sense, is the belief that at least one deity exists. In a more specific sense, theism refers to a doctrine concerning the nature of a monotheistic God and God's relationship to the universe. Theism, in this specific sense, conceives of God as personal, present and active in the governance and organization of the world and the universe. The use of the word theism as indicating a particular doctrine of monotheism arose in the wake of the scientific revolution of the seventeenth century to contrast with the then emerging deism that contended that God, though transcendent and supreme, did not intervene in the natural world and could be known rationally but not via revelation.
The term theism derives from the Greek theos meaning "god". The term theism was first used by Ralph Cudworth (1617–88). Atheism is rejection of theism in the broadest sense of theism; i.e. the rejection of belief that there is even one deity. Rejection of the narrower sense of theism can take forms such as deism, pantheism, and polytheism. The claim that the existence of any deity is unknown is agnosticism, and can be compatible with theism and with atheism. The positive assertion of knowledge, either of the existence of gods or the absence of gods, can also be attributed to some theists and some atheists. Put simply theism and atheism deal with belief, and agnosticism deals with (absence of) knowledge; they are not mutually exclusive as they deal with different domains."

People idolize things more easily than I realized. Sometimes it's not an outright bad thing, sometimes it's initially driven by love or the divine but then the focus shifts from why you're focusing on something (the initial purpose) to that thing. And sometimes, we just obsess over really worthless and dumb things, or concepts.
Why would you idolize something like that? Or idolize another person even? People can be awesome but not to the point where you should waste your time obsessing over a person, or a conspiracy theory, or over worrying itself.

I saw my flaws briefly in a spiritual sense, as a form of idolatry or sin, and I was dumbstruck. Our flaws as humans are simultaneously our sins, particularly idolatry. We put worry and lust and other people and even things that aren't necessarily bad (like college or grades or craftsmanship or music even) in front of Divine Love, in front of the concept of love and God, and thereby do not allow ourselves to fully mirror or reflect any of the wonderful and beautiful things we honestly have the potential to reflect. When I realized this, I simultaneously got this intense rush of bewildering, Ican'tevendescribeitaslovebecausethatwordisn'tenough, love from I DON'T KNOW WHERE. It was out of nowhere and I just comprehended how much God loves me and how he is love, and what all of that actually signifies and means. Like, I had heard it before ("God=love", the "Jesus loves me!" shlup that you see on posters and stuff) but never truly understood or felt completed on the level I do now. I had never understood the significance and weight and value of what love means, and I was aware that I didn't, but I didn't understand how much it impacted how I live my life, even as a seemingly vivacious person. 

When I saw how I actually idolized worry, idolized that boy who I thought I had something for, idolized college, and how it wasn't just me being stupid and silly, it was me sinning and being kind of mucked up with mud so I could only reflect glimmers of love and be a good person for personal gain, not for God or the Divine or for glorification of love itself....when I saw that, and was faced with not just the flaw, but the sheer EMPTINESS OF THE FLAW, which is the key to undoing the flaw and is actually more dangerous than the flaw itself...well, nature abhors a vacuum. Upon acknowledgement and no longer being blind to the emptiness, the emptiness instantaneously vanished, and the empty space was filled with a euphoric and joyous peace, a sense of worth and love and heightened awareness, and an entirely new way of seeing things outside the realm of just feeling or thinking...believing, something beyond love and normal comprehension. I will never abandon my ability to feel or my ability to reason logically...but I have developed the ability to believe and spiritual does not sum up that level accurately. No description or word does, not the way feeling summarizes and connotates feeling emotions, nor how reasoning connotates and summarizes reasoning and unbiased thought. Because belief and spirituality are not things you can try to pin down in language or human devices without totally staining and marring. Which is why I believe it's not from my own intuition or something along those lines, it's not from us, otherwise we would surely be able to use our own form of speech, in some language if not english, to describe it better. It's marred by my limited perception of it. And we can't speak of it or write about it without boxing it into a category of reasoning or a category of feeling, because it is on its own dimension and plane. We can't say "Christianity" or "belief" or spirituality even without a string of negative images and reasonable, sane doubts and blurring of the otherwise divinely pure concept by our flawed natures and our tendency to categorize and box things up.
Somehow, you CAN put all three planes together...reasoning, feeling, believing, and though they do not normally cross over and aid each other in a manner one would like...they all encompass the concept of BEING, of existing fully and to the most full and fulfilling extent. No time will be wasted (at least, for me), things that are meant to be understood will be understood, things we feel will be felt, and things we can believe but not describe will be...and exist, and give us delight in existence beyond our own shallow interpretations of delight from worldly things. 

I am enlightened. It wasn't a knowledge-know, it was a belief-know, and I suddenly saw things from a third plane, I didn't just feel or know things, it's not black and white. Believing doesn't go under feeling something, feeling something is not an umbrella for beliefs as many Christians seem to describe it as. The realm of belief and spirituality is its own plane of perception and existence. It's beautiful. 

...You don't even have to call it God, I honestly don't care, but I will call the Divine concept of love/him that, although that's such a terribly limited way of describing it and carries so many wrong and overthought and human connotations regarding his love and glory (which again, are poor words to describe).

I'm almost done. I pretty much just crazily rambled all over the place, and it probably doesn't connect for you in the same way it does for me, at least in some aspects but that doesn't matter. It's okay. I didn't post this to debate with people about God, I didn't post this to try to pin him down or put him in a box, I posted this to try to describe what it means to put him in a box, the level of meaning behind love and other words, how I understood those words but I didn't as much as I thought I did, how we idolize things aside from love and waste our lives away in that manner, how there's a totally amazing third other aspect of perceiving things beyond thinking and feeling that carries over into everything, and how mind blowingly UNPERCEIVABLE and divine and beautiful love is, at least for me. It probably comes about it different ways for different people, and if you think I'm "wrong" or my perception on how we are as humans or my perception on perceptions (woah man, Inception) or my perception of the Divine does not apply to you or match up with your opinions and perceptions, THAT IS TOTALLY FINE AND THAT'S ALL THE MORE WHY WHAT I REALIZED IS SO AMAZING!!  

It doesn't matter as long as you find a way to get to that level of peace and simplicity and all-encompassing love and joy. I would never ever ever want to idolize and devote my life to anything else outside of love again, and yet so many people do, they idolize money, or even more frequently, WORRYING about money, about the world, about not understanding things, about not being able to find a someone. They think they love or understand another, and yet when they and we love, it's such a mangled and restricted form, and we don't devote time to truly appreciating it or trying to reflect it in a better manner. We devote trying to understand things as though that will make them easier to handle or deal with, and in some cases that's true, but in others you don't have to understand something completely to still *get it* or be happy. I will never fully understand or comprehend God, or what it means to love, or what it means when one of my friends says they love me or if I tell my mom or friend or siblings I love them. I will never understand them as people fully. And however detached and awful that sounds, we're all connected not by interests or differences or similarities in opinions, but by the divine love that manifests itself in the form of life, in us, that flows out in between and around us. We can only send and receive a marred form of it from each other, but it's enough, and if one can ever get a surge of the kind of love that I pretty much just did the other night, then that's all that matters, because if you can hold on to that sense of purity and simplicity and love that hits you, you're going to be just fine. Words fail to remotely touch the meaning we place behind them.
It's so hard to describe and wrap my head around and yet such a simple and beautiful, intensely pure thing. You'll know it when it hits you.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Pardon the Haitus

I had a lot of things going on all at once-graduation, graduation parties, much needed reconnecting, and then not-so-much-needed disconnecting from the internet due to really poor signals from the internet comes from. Yeah. I'm not a true blue computer nerd, my apologies.
So. Good stuff to come.Intellectual, Theological, Philosophical, Ethical-issue stuff.
In the mean time I'll be in my room watching every episode of red vs blue ever.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

To mi familia

You guys. I don't know what I'm going to do next year when I don't know anyone. Seriously.
I know you, you know me, and none of us care if we make absolute and total fools of ourselves all day, erryday.
I have flashed people at a party because I literally forgot I was wearing a dress.
I say random things at lunch and it's normal.
I look like I am having a seizure when I laugh.
I make goose noises, meow, and frequently say "AH'M A BANANA" unprompted.
I whip my hair back n forth.
I've had the easiest time forming such strong friendships with you. I've never felt more comfortable with a group of people before. You've always treated me with the utmost respect, the utmost kindness.  You've helped me figure out a little more about who I am, and have allowed me to be comfortable with myself, in spirit, in mind, in body, and in large groups of people, for the first time in a truly long...long time.  I don't care about what people think of me anymore. I mean I care, I just don't care if they see me being my hyper, totally crazy, totally ridiculous, emotional, and clumsy self. I don't. I hope and pray that this carries over into college, and I can find and meet equally wonderful people, but you will always have been the first. and that first week, when I don't know anyone and no one knows anyone, it's going to be scary. I'm not going to have you with me in person to back me up when I trip on my own foot, start laughing hysterically, and scare everyone else within a 25 foot radius. I need to make new friends and learn to adapt, and be comfortable again with a new group of people.
People always say "Oh yeah! We'll hang out over the summers and skype a ton." but how often does that happen? In order to pay for college or get experience abroad, I may not be here every break, especially after next summer, which might be my last here. and skype, however useful....well. People get distracted by homework. Movie party in dorm 2B. Sleep. Thompson Hall coffee house. Concerts.
I'm terrified and excited and sobbing at the same time. I love you, always have, always will. I doubt we'll stay as close as we are now, but do not doubt that I will try my hardest to stay in touch and retain at least a threadlike bond to each of you. That would be very reassuring for the future. I know, if I'm feeling homesick or unsure of myself, I can talk to any and all of you, anytime. Please know I'd do the same for you.  I would and gladly will.
You are my world, my little family. I love you dearly. It has been an honor and a pleasure.
Even if we're apart, in my dreams we're watching the dawn together, hands joined en espirit, in spirit.
It's a new beginning.

Friday, May 27, 2011

The little things we overlook

People are silly.
You have the ridiculously pessimistic, the ones who tell others flatly that their ideas will not work, even though it's truly impossible to tell. You have the absurdly optimistic, who in my opinion no matter what, are far more pleasant to be around, though not always lucky or truthful to themselves. No matter how intelligent a pessimist may try to sound, they may still be afraid of living or looking up, and that makes them silly regardless of intellect. No matter how naive an optimist may sound, they may either be lying top themselves, or plugging along feverishly.
People are silly.
I have gone through nearly 4 years of high school, and have learned more about myself and about the world via independent, for-curiosity research on ideas than I have in school. People teach you about yourself, and show the importance of introspect to you, funnily enough. You can tell the people who take time to notice little things in their surroundings, those who take pleasure in a tiny blip of a day, from those who simply go through the motions of living and feeling. Then again, perhaps I'm assuming things. I'm silly.
People are silly.
Not enough people make a list of things they like, or try new things, or take time for introspect and reflection on how you can be a better person, or looking over things you like about yourself and friends. People like to complain. When done frequently, it's anti-productive and it holds the illusion of being beneficial to stress relief. It's not. It pushes the stress around, spreads it, makes things harder to do that otherwise wouldn't be that bad or a struggle. I would know. I complain a lot. I try not to though. I think, more importantly, in order to not complain as much, we additionally need to learn how to block out complaining, to not allow it to penetrate us. Then, it will be easier to focus on more fulfilling aspects of life, or at least, better conversation.

Post a list of little things that you like, if you so wish. Remind yourself that you are a human, not a parrot, and that little things can shut people up and just...make them happy. It's okay to not talk (I know, I know...hypocrite) and allow the silence to absorb other things in a moment. :)

I'll go first with some examples of little things that I really enjoy for no reason whatsoever:
*When you first bite into a pb&j sandwich on toast, and your teeth penetrate the golden crust, then the bread, break through the other toasted side, and sink into peanut butter.
*The way you can feel individual blades of grass underneath your feet in summer
*The way woods smell immediately after a heavy rainstorm
*The sound I make when I say "Robusto", even though it's in a stereotypical and likely inaccurate Italian accent
*The contrast between green leaves and the sky around 5 or 6pm on a really bright, non-hazy day.

From Amelie; she takes a blind mans' arm at a street corner: "Let me help you. Step down. Here we go! The drum major's widow! She's worn his coat since the day he died. The horse's head has lost an ear! That's the florist laughing. He has crinkly eyes. In the bakery window, lollipops. Smell that! They're giving out melon slices! Sugarplum ice cream! We're passing the park butcher. Ham, 79 francs. Spareribs, 45! Now the cheese shop. Picadors are 12.90. Cabecaus 23.50. A baby's watching a dog that's watching the chickens. Now we're at the kiosk by the metro. I'll leave you here. Bye!"

Saturday, May 21, 2011


I just discovered something.
I went canoeing and kayaking for the first time yesterday, on a lake in the Poconos.
I love it. Took to the water like a duck.
The water was like a giant mirror, and when the sun FINALLY came out, the view was breathtaking. Kayaking was not as peaceful, but was extremely fun. I was doing figure eights in the water around my two friends, one attempting to acclimate the other to the experience.
On another note, I can do something physical and not suck at it, yay! My arms feel so ripped right now. Just kidding, they're noodles, but they were worked hard yesterday and I LOVE it.

"Being on a boat that's moving through the water, it's so clear. Everything falls into place in terms of what's important and what's not." ~ James Taylor

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


So my next-to-last post was about figuring out where I stand on things and where to find happiness, albeit a little garbled.
My next question is: how do I know what I want in a career? Do I want to make money to not be stressed or in debt that way, but stressed and a slave to my job? Or do I want to be poor and in debt and stressed over that but in love with my job?
Do I want to do something just because I'm good at it, even if it's not my favorite and I merely put up with it? (i.e. math, chemistry...) Or do I want to opt out for a "fluffy" major, like English or foreign languages, or philosophy, or music, because I am captivated by those subjects, because they really make me think or inspire feeling in me...?

I need to figure this out this summer. I'm going to be doing a lot of reading and meditating on this stuff. I need to. I will push aside rock climbing or dorm shopping or camping trips with friends if need be.

If I have to resort to that.

Probably not.
However, I plan on using this blog to chronicle my discoveries, thoughts, intuitive truths, and postulates made from those truths. Don't fall asleep on me now.

In the meantime here are some butterflies:
"An intellectual is someone whose mind watches itself. I like this, because I am happy to be both halves, the watcher and the watched. "Can they be brought together?" This is a practical question. We must get down to it. 'I despise intelligence' really means: 'I cannot bear my doubts.'"~ Albert Camus

Monday, May 9, 2011

My favorite stories for Summer

Ray Bradbury is one of my all-time favorite writers. His stories, particularly the ones above, always make me savor my life all the more. They also make me anxious for summer. Bradbury suspends a small moment in amber, and with the utmost care, unlocks all of the emotions and possibilities in that moment. Because of his ability to use imagery symbolically, or even to use it as a means of capturing the essence of a moment, I tend to pay attention to the little things around me. I live far out in the countryside, and I never get tired of simply glancing over leaves and sky, of gazing out the window of a car and taking it all in. I never ever want to take it for granted.

"The room was like the bottom of a cool well all night and she lay 
in it like a white stone in a well, enjoying it, floating in the dark 
yet clear element of half dreams and half wakening. She felt the 
breath move in small jets from her nostrils and she felt the immense 
sweep of her eyelids shutting and opening again and again. And at last 
she felt the fever brought into her room by the presence of the sun 
beyond the hills." ~ Hopscotch, R. Bradbury
“Strange. Half my years afraid of life. The other half, afraid of death. Always some kind of afraid. You! Tell the truth, now! When my twenty-four hours are up, after we walk by the lake and take the train back and come through the woods to my house, you want to…”
He made her say it.
“… sleep with me?” she whispered.
“For ten thousand million years,” he said.
“Oh.” Her voice was muted. “That’s a long time.”
~ Death and the Maiden, R. Bradbury